What is Research?
Research is one of the main areas a student must master in when doing his study activities. According to Oliver (2000), "Research is about advancing knowledge and understanding." One may gain knowledge from what he/she studies. But the further reading and findings about the particular subjects advances his knowledge and makes the subject knowledge perfect.This is called Research. However, according to Sekaran (2008), Research is described as "An organized, systematic, data based, critical, objective scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solutions to it
The above two definitions however do clash since the first one addresses Research as a method of advancing the current knowledge while the second definition says that Research is an investigation where there is a specific question and finding answers to it.
Research can be addressed in many ways. Research is a step-by-step process which has to be done systematically. It is a process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors.
Research is all about the discovery of new Data. Data can be divided into two main parts called 'Primary Data' and 'Secondary Data'. Primary data is basically the data which is available in a public domain, like Research Papers. "Primary Data is normally regarded as being data which is collected by the original researcher who is using it for some investigation" (Oliver, 2000). Secondary Data are mainly conclusions driven by the help research, interviews, quiz and other other data collection methods. As said by Oliver, (2000), "Secondary Data is data which has been collected by someone else for separate purpose, and is then used by the researcher."
Oklahoma State University (2012) Office of University Research Compliance. [online] Available at: http://compliance.vpr.okstate.edu/images/research.jpg [Accessed: 17 November 2012].
Oliver, (2010) Research for Business Marketing and Educaton. 10th ed. Berkshire: NTC Publishing Group, p.59.
Sekaran, (2008) Research Methods for business. 4th ed. Delhi: John Wiley and sons, p.128.